Happy Birthday to Me
Hi Friends!
Today I turn 22. By the time you are reading this, I will have already turned. This year my birthday looks a little different than it usually does. I will be spending it physically alone. For all my birthdays, I get super anxious knowing it is approaching. To me, sadly, it’s a reminder of how many people actually care about me or even care to remember. My expectations of others are already pretty low. I think I already know the answer to my question. But I guess I wish I felt special to others as much as they are to me. That’s such a weird thing to say, but it’s true. I am the friend people come to talk to about what is happening in their lives. I want someone in my life that will go above and beyond for me and make me feel special like I try to do for others. I am the giver in my friendships, but I also want to be given. So yeah, my birthday makes me super anxious. It also means I am getting older, which is so scary. However, I have these thoughts in the back of my mind. I also love my birthday, and it is an amazing day. I am so grateful I made it to the age of 22. I am so blessed, and I have an amazing family, friends, and the Most amazing God, who is my best friend and will never leave my side. Thank you, Lord, for being by my side and here for so many more years! Birthdays are worth celebrating; even if it is spent alone, you are special and worth the world treating yourself that way. No matter how people make you feel, remember there is a God who loves you no matter what. Sometimes we tend to get so wrapped up in the things that don’t matter. I will be sharing three things I am extremely thankful for entering this new year in my life.
Thankful For:
Amazing family & Friends
The Present/Future
Happy Birthday to Me!!!!
- C :)